
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Count your blessings!

In just two shorts days we will have a piano again! I'm definitely grateful for that. My faith in craigslist has been restored.

I'm also thankful for the simple ability to communicate. After a fitful night's sleep I realized my "allergies" were more than just pollen (fever, aches, malaise). None of the kids have been sick and I don't usually get sick until the 3rd or 4th kid is sick so I put on my detective hat to figure this one out. Hindsight (always 20/20) says that the baby probably is the one who gave it to me. Her eating habits and sleeping habits have been a little off lately (and I did finish her granola bar the other day). I know there are people of all ages who don't have the ability to communicate and therefore can't tell us when they don't feel good or when they need help. I'm glad I can communicate and that my daughter will learn to communicate better with time (she's not even two yet). Amazing what we take for granted everyday.

I watched this video several months ago, but it was very inspiring and eye opening at the same time regarding those who have no way to communicate with the outside world.
 Professor Jim Gips and Eagle Eyes technology on

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